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The INMP Repository of equity-oriented public health interventions has been cited by the WHO Regional Office for Europe

Il Repertorio degli interventi di Sanità Pubblica orientati all’Equità nella Salute (ReSPES) dell’INMP menzionato dall’Ufficio Europeo dell’OMS

7 July 2022 - The Repository of equity-oriented public health interventions, the online database launched by INMP (also WHO Collaborating Center on Health and Migration Evidence and Capacity Building), has been mentioned by the European Office of the World Health Organization as a good practice to contrast health inequalities.

The tool collects equity-oriented public health interventions focused on the Italian territory and evaluated in terms of effectiveness, sustainability and transferability.

In particular, the tool was cited in the news section of the WHO European Office website and in the second issue of the newsletter “Equity&Health - Working together to leave no one behind”, published in July 2022.

Chris Brown, Head of the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development points out that “recent and current events tell us we cannot enjoy peaceful and thriving societies without the right to health” and congratulates the Institute for the relevant initiative “which brings forward practical options to reduce health inequities and tackle stigma and discrimination at its root.”

Gianfranco Costanzo, Health director of INMP, co-head of the WHO CC and responsible for RESPES, invites policy makers and donors to use it to re-qualify investments in health through a scientifically validated methodology. This will allow more investment to be devoted to those projects that are most likely to succeed.

Read the news on the WHO website: