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Service for international protection seekers and refugees

The service is provided for international protection seekers and refugees by paying attention to the possible traumatic events related to the experience of forced migration and to the difficulties faced in the Italian context, with regard to both the inclusion in the reception facilities and to the peculiarity of the legal procedure for the recognition of refugee status application. The following services are provided:

  • medical screening;
  • psychological interviews aimed at the analysis of the request, the observation of mental health status and the implementation of psycho-diagnostic processes;
  • guidance on the procedure for the recognition of refugee status and for access the reception system;
  • issuance of medical records for institutional organizations;
  • networking with social and legal associations and organizations present in the areas that deal with asylum matters;
  • anthropological counselling.

No reservation is required for access the service from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:00 am.