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Travel medicine and vaccinations

Travel medicine and vaccinations service aims to promote the health of international travelers, prevent potential diseases that may arise during their journeys and also provide, if necessary, support at the return.
The department is active according to a schedule updated each month on the NIHPM website (see the hours listed in the Table) and it is possible to access the service without medical prescription or appointment. The medical examination consists of two different health services provided in the same access: advice on travel medicine and administration of any recommended vaccinations.

The following services are provided:

  • information, advice and specialist examinations for travellers before and after the journey;
  • international vaccination and advice on antimalarial chemoprophylaxis;
  • information to the health care professionals working on the territory on the main aspects of international prophylaxis;
  • the main tests for infectious diseases to be undergone after the journey;
  • tuberculosis screening (Mantoux test).

Vaccinations provided: it is possible to undertake recommended vaccinations, both basic ones and those specific for different destinations (including the one against yellow fever).

No vaccination still exists against malaria, but you can reduce the risk of being infected and prevent most cases of illness and death by adopting suitable measures to avoid mosquito bites and by undergoing antimalarial chemoprophylaxis, sometimes taking specific drugs.
Travellers directed to endemic areas are recommended to follow a specific prophylaxis based on the individual needs and on the route, the length and the period of the journey.