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Minor migrant department

The minor migrant department is open to migrant children and adolescents and to children in foster care and / or international adoption pathways. The service is aimed, in particular, to children belonging to the most vulnerable and “hard to reach” groups of the population: sons of applicants for international protection, unaccompanied foreign minors, children belonging to families who live in migrants accommodation centres, group homes, occupied structures, equipped camps and squatter settlements. The department aims at providing a profile of the minors’ health condition by working together with paediatricians – of the ASL and of the territory – with general practitioner and vaccination centres. For reach this purpose “Reccomendations for health-reception of the Migrant Minor” of the National Working Group for Migrant Children (GLNBI), are followed. These reccomendations also include the performance of screening tests, especially about endemic infectious and parasitic diseases in the country of origin and about diseases most frequently found in children who have lived / live in place where sanitary and social conditions and standards of hygiene are wretchedly poor. In order to improve a fully reception and taking care of the child migrant, the outpatient department adopts an integrated and transdisciplinary approach thanks to the involvement of different professionals: infectious disease specialist, pediatrician, nutritionist biologist, social worker, developmental psychologist.
Persons concerned - families, professionals and voluntary social operators, doctors - can send the request for taking care of the minor by email at or by phone at 06.58558350.