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La Tua Salute App

App La Tua Salute - Loghi







La tua salute App is an informative guide for EU and non – EU citizens in Italy on:

  • the right to healthcare and how to access the Italian National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN)
  • the main SSN services for prevention, health protection and care
  • the importance of prevention and adoption of healthy lifestyles at any age

La tua salute App is available in the following languages:

  • Italian
  • English
  • French
  • Romanian
  • Spanish

La tua salute App is co-financed by the Third EU Health Program 2014-2020 and developed by INMP, Istituto Nazionale per la salute delle popolazioni Migranti e il contrasto delle malattie della Povertà, as part of Joint Action Health Equity Europe “JAHEEJAHEE is a European initiative aimed to address health inequalities and achieve greater equity in health across European countries.

Download LA TUA SALUTE. It is free!


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- INTRODUCTION and welcome audio file

- ACCESS TO THE ITALIAN NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE (SSN): a pathway that allows users to learn about their rights to healthcare in Italy and how to access SSN services

- SSN SERVICES: useful information on the main SSN services: the family doctor and family pediatrician, the family planning center, second-level examinations and diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, the emergency room and hospitals

- PREVENTION AND HEALTH PROTECTION: women and children’s health protection tips, along with other useful information to live well and healthy at any age

- TOOLS: “Glossary” (main health and administrative SSN jargon, to facilitate the understanding of terminology); “On your territory” (a guidance to access regional services); “The human body” (illustrations of the male and female body with names of organs and body parts in Italian).