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INMP Services

INMP Services

The National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (INMP) is a public service that carries out clinical research, assistance, prevention, treatment and training activities.

To access the services of the INMP outpatient clinic, please call 06.58558503 to make an appointment. The phone service is active from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 12.00.

• General Medicine (triage)
• Nurse Services (injections, medications, laboratory tests)
• Audiometry and Otorhinolaryngology
• Cardiology (examinations, ECG, echocardiogram)
• Outpatient surgery
• Dermatology (examinations, cryotherapy, diagnosis of lesions on dark skin, epiluminescence, skin mycology)
• Respiratory function
• Gastroenterology and Hepatology (breath test, Fibroscan)
• Gynaecology and Obstetrics (examinations, medical ultrasound, pap-test, colposcopy)
• Infectious and Tropical Diseases (examinations, Mantoux test)
• Paediatrics
• Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine Ultrasound Scan)
• Travel Medicine (vaccinations, prophylaxis, counselling)
• Ophthalmology
• Social Dentistry and Gnathological Rehabilitation (examinations, Dental X-rays, orthopanoramic)
• Psychological Assessment Service (SAV)
• Psychiatry
• Clinical Psychology (examinations, psychotherapy, counselling)

INMP Outpatient Department is in Rome, Via delle Fratte di Trastevere 52.


  • From Monday to Saturday from 7:30 to 13:30 am
  • From Monday to Thursday also in the afternoon from 2:00 to 6:00 pm


  • Contact centre INMP (for reservations and information): Tel. +39 06.58558503