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Mara Carfagna, the Italian Minister for Equal Opportunities visits the NIHMP

L'On. Mara Carfagna, Ministro per le Pari Opportunità, in visita all'INMP

Joining the forces of the Ministry for Equal Opportunities and the NIHMP for facing the emergencies affecting different kinds of people”.

The statement of Maria Rosaria Carfagna, the Italian Minister for Equal Opportunities, during her visit at the National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (NIHMP) on 21 June 2010, opens the way to a new collaboration aimed at supporting people at risk of social exclusion.

The Minister, guided by Prof. Aldo Morrone, Director General of the NIHMP. visited the Institute and its outpatient department and met its multidisciplinary staff in the Conference Hall of the Institute on the occasion of the World Refugee Day.
Mara Carfagna highlighted her will to collaborate with the NIHMP to better fit the needs of the women accessing the services and to try to reduce abuses and the exploitation of adult and minor women.

Particularly important was the encounter between the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the NIHMP cultural mediators who told their experience as political refugees. Prof. Morrone and the cultural mediators reminded that, during five years of activity, the Institute received 2211 refugees.

The visit of the Minister Mara Carfagna represented a further acknowledgment by the Italian Government of the everyday work carried out at the NIHMP at the local, national and international levels thanks to the cooperation, the devotion and the commitment of its staff.

See the speech of the Minister Mara Carfagna - Videos

Speech of the Minister Mara Carfagna - Video 1

Speech of the Minister Mara Carfagna - Video 2

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The Minister for Equal Opportunities Mara Carfagna visits the NIHMP