Office for relations with the public
Access and opening hours
The office for relations with the public (URP) is located at the reception room of the NIHMP outpatient department, in Via delle Fratte di Trastevere n. 52, and users can access it in the following hours:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10.00 to 12.00 am
- Wednesday from 2.00 to 4.00 pm
E-mail: it is possible to address questions to the URP by sending e-mail at and expect an answer within 5 working days at the e-mail address specified by the user.
Telephone: +39 06.58558505
Fax: +39 06.58558405
The office for relations with the public performs the following activities:
- receives and handles reports and users’ complaints (see section four: protection and verification mechanisms);
- provides information about the NIHMP’s offices, services, hours and competences;
- receives external requests for information, proposals and communications;
- directs the request for access to administrative documents in accordance with the law on administrative transparency.
The NIHMP protects citizens also guaranteeing them the possibility of complaint as a result of a poor service, action or behavior which have denied or limited the availability of services.
Submission of the complaint procedure and response time
The NIHMP means its protection role as the set of actions, measures and procedures ensuring their users, Italians and foreigners, to be heard, to find satisfactory answers, to file complaints and also to seek alternative solutions for the presented problems. The Institute also guarantees the function of protecting the citizen by giving him the possibility to complaint and promoting the use of reports in the processes of assessment and quality improvement of the services provided.
The URP office listens to and interprets the person’s complaint. If conciliation does not work, we will invite the user to write the complaint and fill out the "Complaints, dysfunction, suggestions” form, available at the URP Office or on the website, also implementing, if necessary, a mediation to help the user to describe what happened.
If there is an easy solution for the reports, immediate feedback is given to the user. The most complex ones will require preliminary investigations and, a written response containing the results of the analysis conducted and the solutions adopted, will be provided within 30 days from the receipt.
Those cases requiring more in-depth technical assessments, provide an answer that can be formulated in a period that usually does not exceed 60 days from receipt of the complaint.
Forms of compensations and procedure for their consumption by the citizen/ user
A refund of the amount paid or the provision of “pro bono” medical examinations are planned to replace or integrate those possibly subject to a verified and accepted complaint.