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Poverty and social exclusion in the WHO European Region: health systems respond

Poverty and social exclusion in the WHO European Region: health systems respond

The NIHMP collaborated with the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development for the publication of the report Poverty and social exclusion in the WHO European Region: health systems respond.
Containing 22 case studies from across the WHO European Region, and 3 background papers written between 2007 and 2009, this publication reflects the commitment of a number of European countries in analysing the policies and measures adopted by health systems to meet the needs of populations that are experiencing poverty and social exclusion, as called for by WHO Regional Committee resolution EUR/RC52/R7 on poverty and health.

The studies show the ways in which interventions work to improve the accessibility and quality of health services, and the health system works through four functions (stewardship, service delivery, financing and resource generation) to address socially determined health inequities.

The report opens with an introduction by Dr. Erio Ziglio, head of the European Office for Investment for Health and Development at the World Health Organisation, and Prof. Aldo Morrone, NIHMP Director General.

VISIT THE WHO WEBSITE for downloading the complete report in PDF version.

Poverty, Social isolation, Socioeconomic factors, Child, Migration, MInority groups, Health status disparities, National health programs (organization and administration), Health services accessibility, Europe

Table of contents

Acronym list

Part I: Case studies of example actions by health systems in the European Region
to address poverty and social exclusion 
1. Austria: neunerHAUSARZT – demand-oriented health-care services for the homeless
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina): Roma strategy and action plan for health
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska): poverty and protecting children from family violence
4. Czech Republic: information brochures about the health care system for foreigners
5. Georgia: the Medical Assistance Programme for the Population below the Poverty Line
6. Germany: MiMi Project - With Migrants for Migrants
7. Hungary: Health Clubs for Elderly Roma
8. Ireland: Building Healthy Communities Programme
9. Italy (Tuscany Region): the Community Health Partnership of the north-west zone of Florence
10. Italy (Veneto Region): integration of social and health services for immigrants – the case of Padua
11. Latvia: reducing the impact of poverty on health
12. Montenegro: women’s health project for internally displaced Roma
13. Poland: poverty and health
14. Republic of Moldova: children living in poverty – implications for the health system
15. Romania: controlling TB among the Roma – a community approach
16. Serbia: Together for Health project
17. Slovakia: Healthy Communities
18. Spain: Health Promotion among Navarre Ethnic Minorities programme
19. Sweden: FRISK – addressing underemployment and sick leave
20. Switzerland: immigrants facing poverty and social exclusion – the Migration and Public Health Strategy
21. Tajikistan: the guaranteed benefi t package – an attempt to improve the poor’s access to health services
22. United Kingdom: tackling health inequalities for families, mothers and children in England

Part II: Background papers on the health of select groups disproportionately
exposed to poverty and social exclusionin the European Region 
23. Roma health
24. Migration and health of migrants
25. Poverty and child health

Annex A: List of authors
Annex B: Dedication and acknowledgements